Cutting-Edge Natural Filtration for Clean Water Solutions Worldwide

Aquaflex Replacement Filter Pack


The AquaFlex system features four essential filters to enhance your water quality:

  • Stage 1: Sediment 25/1 Micron – Efficiently removes sediments and impurities for clear water.
  • Stage 2: pHA Technology – Optimizes pH and filtration performance for the next stages.
  • Stage 3: Electro-Positive Multifunction Filter – Reduces a wide range of contaminants, including fluoride.
  • Stage 4: Carbon Block Filter – Provides reliable filtration for improving taste and addressing common contaminants.

Each system includes a one-year filter supply delivered to your doorstep. Sediment filters should be replaced every 4 months or as needed based on water conditions.

For well water, contact us before ordering so we can help select the best filters for your needs.


Additional information

Weight 20 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 12 × 12 in
Filter Combo Choices

Standard, Low pH, Iron/Manganese