Cutting-Edge Natural Filtration for Clean Water Solutions Worldwide

Electronic Scale Inhibitor – Turbo Descaler


Electronic and chemical free descaling technology is controversial and unpredictable with many options to choose from in the marketplace.  

It has been a significant challenge to separate the real science of electronic descaling from the pseudoscience and market hype permeating the industry. Frequently, an electronic descaler works in one house but not in the house next door and no one has seemed to know why. Understanding these problems was a primary driver in the creation of the Aquametrics Turbo Descaler. The basic technology of electronic descaling in general has been shown to work but user complaints are common.  Interviewing users and testing competitor devices uncovered three basic industry-wide deficiencies:

Descalers often do not work.
If a descaler works at all, it takes too long for visible results.

The user never knows if the descaler is working or not.

The Aquametrics Turbo Descaler was designed to overcome these problems.

The Aquametrics Turbo Descaler has builtin computer diagnostics, calibration, and continuous selftesting to assure uniform unittounit performance and confirmation of successful performance over the years.

The Turbo Descaler is an excellent add-on component to our LSX salt free descaling system.






  • Greater power means a more effective and faster acting descaler. But designing a descaler with greater power, yet passing FCC standards, was a challenge. Ultimately, a pure, powerful, and effective descaling signal was engineered that passed FCC tests.


  • This pure signal (nearly free of radio noise) passed FCC Part B, (residential) Part A (commercial and industrial) and Part 18 (scientific and laboratory) requirements – an industry first.


  • Further interference protection (shielding) was provided by the Turbo Descaler’s aluminum housing. Plastic enclosures used by the rest of the industry are not suited to providing the shielding desirable for the descaler’s larger signal to pass FCC standards.


  • Immediately following are oscilloscope descaling signal strength readings of the Turbo Descaler and its most powerful competitor. The Turbo Descaler, over the same time, is delivering many times the descaling energy.


AQUAMETRICS TURBO DESCALER (Every cycle has same potential for descaling)

NEAREST COMPETITOR (It has a good peak, but the signal rapidly decays. Note long signal bursts with no descaling activity taking place)


Many descaling devices simply proved not to deliver enough power to be effective, at least within any customer’s perception of a reasonable time. Descaling signals rapidly decrease in size as they travel through the water. Most descaling devices have small descaling signals to start with. As these small signals rapidly decrease in size, they become ineffective after a short piping distance. Their descaling effect is limited to a small segment of the water system. This deficiency is particularly true of magnetic descalers. One descaler user’s manual states not to expect visible results for “three months.”


Electronic devices sold in the USA must pass FCC regulatory standards.3 The FCC regulates electronic devices to avoid interference with communications equipment, e.g., AM/FM radio bands, Wi-Fi, TV, etc. These FCC regulations are particularly difficult to pass for devices with electric signal outputs, such as descalers. Most descalers avoid interference with communications equipment by limiting their descaling signals to very low power levels. While avoiding FCC noncompliance, these descalers are so low power that they may take many months to see results, or never see results at all.


Many descalers do not work at all in some installations, but do work in others. There has been no way to tell, at the time of installation, whether a descaler will work in a given installation or not. In addition to these major deficiencies, two others were identified:

Coil wrap descaling devices were difficult and frustrating to install. It is particularly difficult to install coils on pipe mounted to walls or ceilings. Magnetic clamp devices seemed fragile.

No descaling device advised the user whether the descaler was actually functioning, or had at some point stopped working.


The industry problem of descalers working in some installations but not others was found to be caused by descaling signals being diverted to electrically grounded pipe rather than propagating into the water to be treated. The industry standard has been to display a “power on” light indicating that a descaler was working. But these lights showed only that descaler power was on; they did not indicate if the descaling signal was being delivered into the water, or was just sent to ground, where it was useless.

The Turbo Descaler was designed with a built-in optimum installation site. It has a built-in section of metal pipe to which the descaler connects. This signal connection pipe is built-in insulated from ground by two dielectric unions. Thus, the Turbo Descaler descaling signal is never shunted to to ground, solving the industry’s largest problem.

The Turbo Descaler has well over 100 electronic components, including a microprocessor. To assure that electronics are consistent, unit to unit, each descaler is tested and calibrated prior to shipment. Calibration parameters are retained in non-volatile long-term smicroprocessor memory.

The installation and durability issues characteristic of coil wrap and magnetic devices were resolved by designing a direct clamp-on descaler connection to the piping system — quick and easy, requiring only a screwdriver. Direct electrical connection assures that the maximum descaling signal reaches the water, for maximum descaling.

Repair, remodeling, or appliance replacement may change the conductivity of a home’s piping systems, which may in turn affect a descaler. A descaler’s initial placement may no longer be satisfactory. Previously, the industry had no way of alerting customers to this problem. This issue was resolved by the Turbo Descaler’s built-in computer and front panel lights. The descaler retests installation suitability about every ten seconds for as long as it is in place. Should a problem occur, the descaler’s front panel lights alert the user. A more powerful descaler signal generates more heat. The relatively large cooling surface of the aluminum enclosure allows the Turbo Descaler to deliver a larger descaling signal, with just a few degrees of temperature rise (pleasantly warm to the touch). The few degrees temperature rise of the Turbo Descaler keeps moisture from condensing on the electrical circuits inside. This enables the descaler to be installed in higher moisture environments such as restaurants. Restaurants especially need devices with powerful descaling signals, to keep up with high usage hot water heaters and dishwashers.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 6 in