Cutting-Edge Natural Filtration for Clean Water Solutions Worldwide

Simple Labs Water Test Kit

Important: Wait Two Weeks Before Testing

To ensure the most accurate results, wait at least two weeks after installing a new filtration system before testing your water. Plumbing disruption during installation can cause temporary fluctuations in water quality, leading to short-term spikes in certain analytes. These typically stabilize within two weeks as the system and plumbing settle.

Comprehensive Water Testing Made Simple

Get your water professionally tested by a trusted, world-class lab at an affordable cost.

  1. Order your test kit – It will be shipped directly to you.
  2. Collect your water sample – Follow the included instructions.
  3. Send it back – Use the prepaid, self-addressed return box provided.
  4. Receive your results – Most reports are available within about a week.

Why Water Testing Matters

While testing isn’t essential before or after purchasing a water system, it can provide peace of mind by confirming what your system is filtering and ensuring optimal contaminant reduction. Testing can also highlight where any filter adjustments may be needed to better address your specific water quality. Every water source is unique, and a professional water test offers valuable insight into how your filtration system is performing.

Tap Score combines cutting-edge laboratory science with excellent customer support, making it easy to test your drinking water with confidence.

After receiving your test results, our team is available to analyze your results and provide input, helping you understand what they mean and offering suggestions for any necessary adjustments.

For any questions, feel free to call 208-462-0626—we’re happy to help!



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